Post Monsoon Jungles

Tadoba tiger reserve, India, is beautiful and lush post monsoon. The jungle exudes colour, vibrancy and spirit and is fantastic for wildlife viewing at this time.


On one day we encountered this beautiful young sambar deer stag deep in the forest. He was quite relaxed, and also curious during the brief encounter so I took a few shots.


However, it pays to be cautious and alert in the jungle…


As you never know what may be hidden amongst the vegetation…


In between tigers!

Tracking tigers in India can be one dimensional, and for certain reasons it has to be. I myself do try to absorb the jungle as a whole with its huge variety of life and landscapes. All taken with the 400mm f2.8, 1DX and EOS RP.

A beautiful Golden Orb spider, shot from a jeep against a morning sky.

A beautiful Golden Orb spider, shot from a jeep against a morning sky.

A baby langur monkey playing hide and seek (not very well!).

A baby langur monkey playing hide and seek (not very well!).

A red-wattled lapwing

A red-wattled lapwing

A green bee-eater

A green bee-eater

An indian roller

An indian roller



A barn owl

A barn owl

Red naped ibis with kill

Red naped ibis with kill

Wild boar

Wild boar





Two months to go...

I’ve been looking forward to my return to Tadoba for a while now and decided to go through some images from my last adventure. We had a lovely afternoon with a beautiful tigress and managed to capture her in a variety of habitats and situations. That’s the beauty of Tadoba… lakes, thick jungle, meadows, but most of all, colour and a variety of species.

A sleek and beautiful leopard moving stealthfully towards some boar. Canon 1DX 400mm f2.8.

A sleek and beautiful leopard moving stealthfully towards some boar. Canon 1DX 400mm f2.8.

A sloth bear crossing the jungle trail. Just look at those huge claws! Canon 1DX, 400mm f2.8.

A sloth bear crossing the jungle trail. Just look at those huge claws! Canon 1DX, 400mm f2.8.

A lovely tigress in a dry rocky terrain, deep in the jungle. 1DX 400mm f2.8

A lovely tigress in a dry rocky terrain, deep in the jungle. 1DX 400mm f2.8

Giving her space made her comfortable around us, so she proceeded to walk towards our reversing jeep. This in turn allowed for some beautiful habitat images. You can see her left ear turned, perhaps listening to the deer alarm calls that were occurr…

Giving her space made her comfortable around us, so she proceeded to walk towards our reversing jeep. This in turn allowed for some beautiful habitat images. You can see her left ear turned, perhaps listening to the deer alarm calls that were occurring. 1DX 400mm f2.8.

Some beautiful rays of light breaking through the forest highlighting an already beautiful species. Canon 1DX, 400mm f2.8.

Some beautiful rays of light breaking through the forest highlighting an already beautiful species. Canon 1DX, 400mm f2.8.